Another Year


Today I turn 28. Where has the time gone? It feels like it was just last week that I was writing my last birthday post. You know I have to say something about another year wiser and growing and learning and all that kind of stuff blah, blah blah… Which I guess all of that stuff is true but I really am in a very similar place to last year. I haven’t moved or changed jobs or done anything crazy. I mean, a lot of stuff happens in a year, but looking back it doesn’t feel like that much is different.

A big part of my life is my dog. We celebrated our one year anniversary not too long ago. I am still so thankful that I brought her home. She is a big crazy mess of energy, and she really would like to catch a bunny one day, but I love her anyways. I wouldn’t trade her for the world.




Another big part of my life is my family. They’ve always been super important and always will be. It was actually really fun celebrating my birthday last Friday night with my dad, step-mom, mom, step-dad, sister, brother-in-law, and niece. My niece has stolen my heart. I love that little girl more than I could have ever imagined. She is so beautiful and special and perfect!



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I’ve also realized this year that I’ve made some pretty cool friends along the way. I’m not always great at keeping up with people when we don’t live close by, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t made lasting impressions. I’ve had friends getting married and having babies and it’s been beautiful to see their lives grow and change. I have other friends that will always make sure I have a beer if I need one. And I even have one pretty awesome friend who took me flying in his airplane a few times. All these people are so wonderful and different and special to me.

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So here I am ready to take on the next year. Maybe the next 12 months will be more exciting than the past 12 months. I’m not denying that there were ups and downs, because they definitely existed. I don’t mind it not being too crazy of a year. Sometimes it’s nice to not feel too chaotic. Overall I am very blessed and have a great life (even if I do complain sometimes). I know I have a wonderful support system and I am very lucky for the opportunities I have been given. I know God is watching over me and will lead me through another great year, whatever it may bring!


I hope everyone has a great day….And Happy Earth Day too!